Behind the scenes of a pet food producer: The ingredient selection

This is the first article in our new series: “Behind the scenes of a pet food producer”. It is our goal to drive the transparency process in the pet food trade. One way to do this is to open up about what goes on behind the scenes. In this article we focus on the ingredient selection process. In the quest to reaching a more transparent world of pet food and giving the pet parent an understanding enabling them to make an informed choice.

Read article April 29, 2018
private label - aller petfood russia

Private label in Russia benefits brand distribution

Henriette Bylling aka the Queen of Petfood and CEO at Danish pet food company Aller Petfood on why the company (of all places!) chose to focus on the Russian private label market 14 years ago and on what a robust knowledge about unpredictable markets can do for your business.

Read article January 26, 2018
kids and pets

Kids & Pets

The importance of children having and interacting with a companion pet is often overlooked in studies, and therefore also in public. Children not only develop better social skills and self-esteem, they are also less likely to become lonely.

Read article June 8, 2017

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